Monday, November 29, 2010

Crappy First Drafts

To writers struggling with and early draft of a story--don't sweat it.
Anne Lamott (in her wonderful "Bird by bird") has a chapter called "Shitty First Drafts." She says even the best writers' first drafts are crappy. Let the first draft pout in a drawer for a few days, then take a look at it and turn out a better 2nd draft. Repeat the above, and you may have an admirable third draft.
But by all means crank out "shitty" first drafts. They are essential, because without them you can't go to the 2nd, 3rd... Gold
will come, but rarely at first.

Friday, November 19, 2010

More on Writing

I'm going to be more active in updating my Q&A page in my website--
At the moment I'm commenting on the writing process, e.g., which is most important? Plot, Character, or Setting. Then I'm going to dig deeper into each of those elements.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What do Young Adults want to hear from authors?

Suddenly I have several speaking/signing engagements since THE BLENDING TIME (Book 1) was published in October. I'd love to hear speaking ideas to a teen/YA audience, e.g.-- crafting character; plot; point-of-view; beginnings, the middle, endings; writing drafts; etc, etc. What would be of more interest than others?
